4. Examples of Poly cross-chain operations

1. Open https://bridge.poly.network with Metamask wallet switched onto Ethereum main network

Note: The Ethereum GAS network fee is charged during the cross-chain process, so make sure that the wallet has enough ETH as the GAS fee.

2. Click on the upper right fox icon, click MetaMask Connect to connect wallet

3. Select an account and click Next.

4. At the Bridge interface switch Asset to FLUX, choose From Ethereum to Heco, input the transaction amount of FLUX and click CONNECT WALLET to enter authorization interface.

5. Click APPROVE to confirm; Note that a certain GAS network fee will be charged for the authorization process according to the Ethernet network conditions.

6. Click NEXT, at the next pop-up interface click CONFIRM

7. Click Confirmation to cross chain. Note that the cross-chain information needs to be confirmed on the Ethereum chain. Therefore, please wait for 1 to 5 minutes. When it’s done, the interface will show Finished.

Note: The Ethereum GAS network fee is charged during the cross-chain process, so make sure that the wallet has enough ETH as the GAS fee.

8. To acquire hFLUX assets after a successful cross-chain operation: click the the button besides fox icon and switch to the Heco network, and then click Add Token button below.

9. Customize tokens and enter the Contract address of hFLUX on the Heco chain, click Next.

Flux protocol Contract address Collection:https://www.yuque.com/flux01/ce1x7c/evlygu

10. Return to the CROSS page and click MetaMask wallet to switch to the Heco network, you will see hFLUX included within.

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